Saturday, October 31, 2009


Enroute to Gibraltar from Valencia -- Francois relaxes in the "gin and tonic" seat.

Approaching Gibraltar from the North.

Capt Ed takes Skylark into Gibraltar harbor...

The other side of the Rock with tank farm and commercial harbor in  foreground

Religion afloat... this boat anchored at La Linea near Skylark.

October 31 - Halloween at Gibraltar.  Strange as it seems, the locals are all dressed up for trick or treating.  We have provisioned Skylark and plan to leave with the tide tomorrow afternoon.  Estimating 5 days to Las Palmas where will post next blog.


  1. Steve,
    A great blog! I'm also participating on the ARC (this time only as a Crewmember as preparation for my own trip) and will be in Las Palmas starting Monday. I'm awaiting my AMEL 54 next May and wanted to see if you could share your first experiences with your AMEL 54 with me while you are in Las Palmas. As you might know by yourself, it's great to talk to other AMEL owners while you are waiting for your boat.
    Best Regards from Vienna, Ralph

    ralph.heilig at

  2. Ralph,
    Sorry we missed each other at Las Palmas. I will try to locate you now that we are at St Lucia.
