Thursday, August 13, 2009

Back in Spain

August 13, 2009. Skylark is back in Spain (south coast) at the Marina Puerto Sherry across the bay from the city of Cadiz. The marina at Cadiz was full when we arrived today. Will try to move over tomorrow morning as Puerto Sherry, while pretty, is a one-horse town with no horse.
The trip from Lagos to Cadiz was filled with wonderful moments including visits by dolphins and our very own skylark who flew through the cockpit and settled on some ropes at the foot of the main mast for the night. Robyn failed to attract it with some bread but the bird was quite comfortable with its new human company. She flew off when morning came -- we hope she realizes she is no longer in Portugal.
We had a great dinner on the overnight sail from Lagos. Francois did a pumpkin soup which was produced after several international phone calls to Magda (in Bangkok) for instructions on how to cook the soup. As they say in the credit card commercial --- fresh ingredients, cooking on a sail boat, cell phone roaming and calls to Thailand from the Portuguese coast, pumpkin soup, priceless....
The evening was interupted several times by pan-pan (emergency) announcements over the VHF radio from Tarifa and Malaga radio to all ships asking for reports on a missing seaman. It didn't sound good for the poor sailor who must have fallen overboard. We found religion after that -- Francois tended to his fishing rod with his harness on and I changed Skylark's courtesy flag from Portuguese to Spanish during the night wearing my inflatable life vest and harness clipped securely to the boat.
It is hot in Puerto Sherry -- we are running Skylark's air-conditioning this afternoon at full blast. Ed and Francois are having their afternoon naps in the cool cabins while Robyn and I are at the marina hotel getting our internet fix. Pictures in the next post are a mix of Lagos, the dolphins, and our little skylark visitor. Pictures of Cadiz when we get there.

1 comment:

  1. It is time to get the self-made word.doc cooking book on bord which includes a receipe of kürbis-potiron-pumpkin-soup to meet the EURO-MED-ASIAN tastes.
