Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Another great sailing day today, July 14, blue skies and nice winds. After watching the Bastille Day parade in town, sailed to the north shore of Ile de Re just off La Rochelle, anchored in about 5 metres of water near St Martin de Re. A light lunch comprising salad, leftover pate and the ever present baguettes. To celebrate the auspicious day, Magda and Miew Ling prepared another memorable dinner -- quiche and chicken with morilles and champignon de paris, a half bottle of white wine thrown in for good measure. Richard, Ed and Francois have been busy attending to the boat's liquid needs. Yesterday, they loaded 18 litres of wine, 30 litres of beer and 6 bottles of Pineau into the ship's holds. And yes, 2 bottles of water were included in the inventory. Skylark is sitting a little low in the water at the moment but that will soon be resolved as liquids are rapidly consumed. The Bastille Day fireworks display over La Rochelle harbour was spectacular and the best view was from the seawall at the marina. The crew have retired but the captain is still up installing a new printer, essential for printing weather faxes. Tomorrow, preparations continue for the sail south across the Bay of Biscay which is likely to start some time next week.

1 comment:

  1. Liquid needs are absolutely necessary and extremely important to keep the spirit(s)up! I promise not to deplete your wine beer and pineau! Let me now if you wd like some roti canai from home!
