Friday, July 24, 2009

The Wi-Fi connection at Port Des Minimes has been broken for the past few days.  Calls to the Capitanerie have not helped, despite threats to sue for the return of the daily charge of one Euro.  So here we are, the crew, at an internet cafe at Vieux Port in La Rochelle, tapping away on our keyboards like starving animals... Last Saturday was a particularly good one with a trip to the nearby Cognac region to visit with Olivier and Liz Blanc, friends of Francois and Magda and owners of the boutique Cognac maker, Leopold Gourmel.  Olivier conducted a tour of his cellars and facilities, complete with tastings of his various Cognacs.  A first for the captain of Skylark who has never been into the spirits.  We also enjoyed the Blancs' hospitality over a 4 hour lunch at their beautiful 300 year old house.  Robby, the Scottish Terrier was on hand to welcome the visitors. 
We have been waiting for the winds to change for our departure for La Coruna, Spain.  The forecast suggests that we may get favorable winds for a Sunday departure.  It is an involved process with the meteorological service. First, we have to file an application for the 5-day forecast with the service and then Francois has to show up for an "interview" in the afternoon for a briefing and to receive the relevant weather maps.  Meanwhile, we continue to take in our daily dose of fine food and wine both on board and onshore.   

The systems have been worked over and we believe we may have finally succeeded in connecting via single side band radio for email and weather forecasts.  It is slow but apparently works, though not for regular emails, as we are limited to 90 minutes transmission time per week. 

Will post photos once we get back on track with the internet connection.

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