Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Well, here we are at the marina at Port Des Minimes, La Rochelle. The Skylark is at the pontoon reserved for Amel boats. She is easy to tell from the other boats -- the only one flying the Malaysian civil ensign from her stern. We are of course flying the French flag on starboard as required. The first three days have been soent on learning the boat's mechanical and electrical systems as well as the array of electronic navigation and communications gear. The electronic charts for the French, Portuguese and Spanish Atlantic coasts, the western Med, Canary Islands and the Caribbean islands have been loaded in the GPS chart plotter and gear is being tested daily. Some minor issues but these are being addressed by the builder. The weather has been cold and wet but tomorrow, we venture out of the harbour for the first time. Meanwhile, gastronomical adventures have been extensive, not only at restaurants in La Rochelle but also the fine onboard cuisine produced by our friends Francois and Magda. Wifi connection was only just obtained from the Captainerie of the port, so new posts will be forthcoming. Some new photos should be loaded tomorrow, if the wire for connecting the camera to the laptop can be found.


  1. Fly the Bolehland flag might get a d'ship on your return. We are familiar with at least one who have been so bestowed for lesser pursuits.

  2. Skylark's debut! The 3 days of techie cramming sounds really daunting. Never mind the lil gust of wind and showers.. :-) I am sure all are eager to take the "debutante" out for her first dance! :-)
    Glorious food! Do tell us more of your gastro-gourmet treats. How was the La Fete De La Musique at La Rochelle?

    p.s. Colin is trying to get an earlier fight to catch the Skylark.

  3. Envy written all over my face! The thrills of sea trials, especially the maiden one can't be less than orgasmic(sorry, hope no minors reading this!!!)

    How are the bow thrusters? Does it allow you to "Turn her on a dime"? And out of sheer curiosity, what's the specs on the gen-set?

    Dying further to see photos of the "Beau"!

  4. Yes, Colin, the bowthruster turns the boat essentially on a pivot point like having its own axis. You can also move the boat sideways playing with bowthruster and rudder at the same time. The generator is 11KW powered by a Kubota diesel attached to a Cummins generator and produces 220V 50Hz. Will dsend detailed near term schedule in a week or so when things firm up a bit.
